Sperry Design was honoured to be asked by Taneda Sensei to create the new brand design and look and feel for the 2019 Chito-Ryu International Soke Cup. Sensei Chris Taneda is a 7th Degree Black Belt with the title of Kyoshi and is the highest ranking person outside of Japan within the Original Style of Chito ryu. He is a member of Karate BC’s Technical Committee and part of Karate Canada’s Dan Grading panel. The 2019 Soke Cup will be hosted in Penticton BC, Canada.
The design intent is to communicate the main messages of the Soke Cup 2019 event. The figure symbolizes Chito Ryu Karate and is also a symbol of competition and sport at the Soke Cup. The Canadian Maple Leaf represents Canada as event will take place in British Columbia next summer. The Rising Sun symbolizes Japan and is also a symbol of tradition and good fortune. This applies to all Soke Cup competitors. The logo is supported by energenic, descriptive text, that simply delivers the name of the event in a disciplined and athletic manner. Embedded in the Maple Leaf graphic is a subtle Japanese wave pattern which is intended to comunicate power, energy and tradition.
The introduction of the traditional Japanese design element is to subtly communicate a repect for Japan, O Sensei Chitose and Soke Sensei. The subtle Japanese wave pattern is also intended to comunicate power, energy and tradition.