New Glasgow Unveils New Community Identity Sign on Trans-Canada Highway 104 December 16, 2014... New Glasgow Mayor Barrie MacMillan announced today that the Town of New Glasgow is pleased to unveil the establishment of a new community identity sign that is now erected on the Trans-Canada Highway 104, eastbound lanes, near Exit 20. An existing sign, east of Exit 26 for westbound approaching the town, is also being refurbished to reflect the new sign design for New Glasgow and will be installed early in the New Year. Mayor MacMillan says, “We are very pleased with this new sign design as it is a professional and vibrant representation of our community. New Glasgow is a dynamic, progressive place to live, do business and visit—and our new sign conveys this message. The new design for our signs also communicates the New Glasgow flourish brand clearly and concisely. New Glasgow is a community known for its role as a commercial service centre for northern Nova Scotia, for its entrepreneurial spirit, culture, quality lifestyle and natural beauty. The character of our town is communicated beautifully in our new sign through all of the graphic features which were selected with great thought and precision. It is an appealing and professional representation of the community which residents can take pride in. Feedback to date has been very positive and our residents are excited to see our community profiled through such an impressive design and medium.”
“We know that you need to illicit a quick emotional response with these types of signs, because the viewer is passing by rapidly and only has a few seconds of viewing time,” explains Adam MacKenzie, President & Creative Director of the Halifax based company Sperry Design Inc. which created New Glasgow’s new highway sign design with Dave Campbell, Senior Brand Design Consultant with Sperry. “Therefore, we designed the sign with a dynamic vanishing point from the river, which lands on the center of the Flourish brand mark. It pulls you in. It’s welcoming and inviting. We worked with Town officials to understand the essence of New Glasgow and we used the following elements to help us achieve this communication objective. Warmth was achieved through the colour selection; commerce represented by the building skyline; arts through Glasgow Square Theatre; recreation and quality of life with the river, trails and marina. Together these elements instantly tell the story of New Glasgow. The New Glasgow highway signs promote exits 23 and 25 which is supportive of New Glasgow’s partnership with the Municipality of the County of Pictou and the East River Business Park project,” adds Mayor MacMillan. “The new sign signals the gateway to our regional business community. It is a part of our business strategy and regional vision.”
Community identity signage is managed by the Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal. The provincial department works with communities to produce the signage according to provincial highway safety guidelines and manages the fabrication and installation services. The manufacturing of the two signs, installation of the new sign and posts, sign design and refurbishing of the second sign cost approximately $16,000.